Rust PolymorphMagic
Rust stands out for its impressive ability to provide zero-cost abstractions, a feature that ensures developers don’t have to sacrifice performance for advanced functionality. This aspect of Rust becomes even more apparent when exploring the actix-web library. The library allows developers to build powerful web applications with amazing flexibility and performance. But what catches most developers eye is how bewilderingly flexible the api is. Here is a little taste of what the api look like.
// this function takes 1 arg, and returns a string
async fn one_param(path: Path<NameStruct>) -> String {
format!("Hello {}!",
// this function takes 2 args, and returns json
async fn two_params(data: web::Data<AppState>, body: web::Json<Info>) -> impl Responder {
let count = data.count.get();
// But all the function are registered the same way. But how ?
.route("/no-param", web::get().to(|| async { "Hello there!" }))
.route("/one-param/{name}", web::get().to(one_param))
.route("/two/", web::get().to(web::post().to(two_param)))
The to
function takes as input a function that can not only take any number of arguments, but it also injects into the arguments - the right values based on its type upon invocation. For a language that lacks polymorphism, or functions with variable arity, this seems like an impossible pattern. In this post, I’ll attempt to decipher and recreate this fascinating pattern.
I’ll create a Bakery library. A bakery has a supermarket assigned to it, and it takes in orders to create delicious goods out of the things it bought from the supermarket. The final API would look something like this.
let mut bakery = Bakery::new();
bakery.order(|_: Banana| Banana); // 1 arg, Makes a banana
bakery.order(|_: Chocolate, _: Milk| Cookie); // 2 args, Makes a cookie
Before we start with the implementation, let’s get some basic things out of the way. In Actix-web the arguments of the handler function have to implement fromRequest
and the response have to implment HttpResponse
. In my case I came up with Buyable
and Eatable
. Buyable
s are things you buy from a supermarket and Eatable
s are things that are produced in the bakery.
struct Chocolate; // Buyable
struct Milk; // Buyable
struct Banana; // Buyable + Eatable (uhhh they're reselling bananas ?)
struct Cookie; // Eatable
trait Buyable { // can be bought from the supermarket
fn buy(store: Supermarket) -> Self;
trait Eatable: std::fmt::Debug { // made in the bakery
fn eat(&mut self) {
// The Buyables
impl Buyable for Chocolate {
fn buy(_store: Supermarket) -> Chocolate {
impl Buyable for Milk {
fn buy(_store: Supermarket) -> Milk {
impl Buyable for Banana {
fn buy(_store: Supermarket) -> Banana {
// The Eatables
impl Eatable for Cookie {}
impl Eatable for Banana {}
lets start with our Bakery implementation then. It has a supermarket assigned to it and also a Vec
of our orders. But how do we tell Rust that ?. Our handlers are distinct functions with different signatures.
struct Supermarket {} // we can buy stuff from here.
struct Bakery {
store: Supermarket,
orders: Vec< ??? OUR HANDLERS ??? >>,
We clearly need to trait
these handlers into one. Furthermore, what would the input for our order function be ?
impl Bakery {
fn order(&mut self, f: ?? WHAT GOES HERE ?? ) {
Hmm, OK let’s see if I can characterize all the functions with a trait.
trait Handler<Args, E> {
fn call(&self, args: ...Args) -> E
Cool, except rust doesn’t support ...Args
. I have to specify the exact number of function arguments.
Wait, How does Actix do it then ????.
Actix has a main Service
trait. async fn(Request) -> Result<Response, Err>
Which isn’t surprising. This looks like an everyday request handler. So how does
it convert all the handlers we write into this service trait ?.
This is the
smart bit. There are 2 parts to it. Firstly, the call
method in the Actix
doesn’t have multiple args. Instead takes a single arg Arg
. Then it
implements Handler
for functions of different
the arguments are converted into a single argument which is a tuple of all the
arguments passed into the function. Secondly the FromRequest
trait is
implemented for tuple of all
Now we can convert the Handler
s into
by simply converting the request to a FromRequest
tuple that can be invoked by
the handler function to return the result. Following the same pattern for our
bakery. We need implement our Handler
for functions of different airities, Also we need to implement Buyable
for tuples of different sizes too.
trait Handler<Args, E> {
fn call(&self, args: Args) -> E;
// Implement Buyable for tuples.
impl<Arg1> Buyable for (Arg1,)
Arg1: Buyable,
fn buy(store: Supermarket) -> (Arg1,) {
impl<Arg1, Arg2> Buyable for (Arg1, Arg2)
Arg1: Buyable,
Arg2: Buyable,
fn buy(store: Supermarket) -> (Arg1, Arg2) {
(Buyable::buy(store), Buyable::buy(store))
trait Handler<Args, E> {
fn call(&self, args: Args) -> E;
// For Functions with single argument
impl<F, Arg1, E> Handler<(Arg1,), E> for F
F: Fn(Arg1) -> E,
Arg1: Buyable,
E: Eatable,
fn call(&self, (arg1,): (Arg1,)) -> E {
// For functions with 2 arguments
impl<F, Arg1, Arg2, E> Handler<(Arg1, Arg2), E> for F
F: Fn(Arg1, Arg2) -> E,
Arg1: Buyable,
Arg2: Buyable,
E: Eatable,
fn call(&self, (arg1, arg2): (Arg1, Arg2)) -> E {
self(arg1, arg2)
Now we can finally write our order
function. Which simply invokes
on the Handler
passed into it with the right tuple of arguments.
/// Supermarket sells stuff to bake with.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Supermarket {}
// ...
/// Bakery buys stuff from the supermarket and makes Eatables
struct Bakery {
store: Supermarket,
orders: Vec<Box<dyn FnOnce() -> Box<dyn Eatable>>>, // stores the wrapped handlers.
impl Bakery {
fn new() -> Self {
// create a empty
Bakery {
store: Supermarket {},
orders: Vec::new(),
fn order<F, Args, E>(&mut self, f: F)
F: Handler<Args, E> + 'static,
Args: Buyable,
E: Eatable + 'static,
let store =;
let ff = move || {
// The main magic happens here. Rust compiler ensures that
// the tuple is generated with the right arguments to be
// passsed to the handler.
let args = Buyable::buy(store); // Creates a tuple of n elements.
let eatable: Box<dyn Eatable> = Box::new(;
// process just calls the vector of wrapped orders.
fn process(self) {
dbg!(self.orders.into_iter().map(|f| { f() }).collect::<Vec<_>>());
fn main() {
let mut bakery = Bakery::new();
bakery.order(|_: Chocolate, _: Milk| Cookie);
bakery.order(|_: Banana| Banana);
Right now, this code only supports functions with a max arity of 2. But you can easily allow functions with more arity by implementing the corresponding Handler
and Buyable
traits. In the actix-web library, it supports up to 12 arities, and it makes use of declarative macros in rust to implement the trait for all the different function signatures.
Working out this pattern in rust was very amusing, and it is pretty amazing how the rust compiler can compile an eccentric pattern like this. Also kudos to whoever implemented this in the actix-web library.